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Printed circuit board (PCB) welding is a precise process that requires careful quality control. Even minor issues during welding can lead to defects that compromise the integrity and performance of the finished PCB. As an essential part of electronics manufacturing, it’s important for PCB welders to be aware of common defects and how to prevent them. This article will explore the 10 most frequent PCB welding defects and provide tips for welding without errors.

Lack of Fusion

Lack of fusion occurs when the welding electrode does not fully melt and fuse the PCB materials together. This happens due to insufficient heat, current, or welding time. Without complete fusion, the weld is weak and prone to failure. To avoid this, carefully set and monitor welding parameters like heat, pressure, and duration to ensure full material melting and bonding.


Small gas pores or voids within the weld area characterize a porous weld. Porosity is caused by gas or vapor trapped during solidification. It makes the weld brittle and susceptible to cracking. To prevent porosity, use clean materials and welding surfaces free of dirt, oils, or other contaminants that could release gases during welding. Maintain an inert gas shield over the weld area as well.


Cracking refers to breaks or splits in the weld. It results from thermal stresses during rapid solidification or the use of incompatible materials. Cracking compromises structural integrity. To avoid it, control welding heat and cooling rates, ensure material compatibility, and use filler metals with thermal expansion properties similar to the base materials.


Undercut is incomplete fusion along the edges of the weld, leaving a groove surrounding the weld area. It makes the weld weak at its periphery. Undercut occurs due to excessive heat or welding speed. Maintain proper heat and travel speeds tailored for each material and thickness. Check parameters regularly.

Inconsistent Bead Geometry

The shape and size of the weld bead should be uniform. Irregular beads indicate issues like uneven electrode pressure, inconsistent travel speed, or faulty equipment. Geometric defects weaken structural performance. Prevent them through calibrated equipment, steady technique, and dimensional checks of finished welds.

pcb inspection


Inclusions are foreign particles from dirt or flux embedded within the weld metal. They act as stress concentrators and potential crack initiation points. Keep work and materials scrupulously clean to avoid inclusions. Use proper flux and shielding gases as well.

Excessive Spatter

Spatter refers to small droplets of molten weld metal that scatter during welding. Excessive spatter wastes material and can contaminate the weld if not removed. It results from too much heat or wire feed speed. Adjust parameters and use a gas shield for spatter control.

Incorrect Wire Placement

The welding wire should be accurately placed at the joint to be welded. Misalignment causes incomplete or missed welds. Take time to properly position the wire before striking an arc. Use jigs or fixtures if needed.

Incorrect Wire Extension

The stickout length of the wire beyond the tip of the welding torch must be set correctly. Too short or long of an extension impacts heat and material deposition. Adjust extension as needed for each application and check periodically during welding.

Poor Penetration

Lack of weld penetration means the weld does not fully fuse through to the bottom of the joint. It creates a weak surface bond instead of a sound joint. Ensure proper parameters, joint preparation, and technique for full penetration on all welds.

By understanding these common defects and taking preventive measures, PCB welders can help ensure quality, reliability and customer satisfaction. With careful control and monitoring of variables, welding errors are avoidable. Following these best practices leads to strong, defect-free welds essential for electronic devices. Continuous improvement in techniques also helps drive down rework costs from welding defects. Overall, awareness and prevention are key for success in PCB welding.