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The development of X-rays can be traced back to the late 19th century,here is a brief overview of the key milestones in the development of X-ray technology:

Discovery of X-rays: X-rays were accidentally discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, a German physicist, on November 8, 1895. While experimenting with cathode rays, he noticed a fluorescent screen in his lab started to glow even though it was not directly exposed to the cathode rays,he named this new form of radiation “X-rays.”

original X-ray machine

original X-ray machine

Early X-ray machines: In the following years, various scientists and inventors worked on developing X-ray machines,Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and William Coolidge were among the pioneers who made significant contributions to X-ray technology,Edison developed a fluoroscope, which allowed real-time viewing of X-ray images.

Medical applications: X-rays quickly found applications in the medical field,in 1896, X-rays were used for the first time in medical imaging to diagnose bone fractures,the ability to visualize internal structures without invasive procedures revolutionized medicine.

Improvements in X-ray tubes: X-ray tubes, which generate X-rays, underwent significant improvements over time, Coolidge’s invention of the hot cathode X-ray tube in 1913 greatly enhanced the efficiency and reliability of X-ray production.

Development of X-ray film: In the early days, photographic plates were used to capture X-ray images. However, in 1918, the introduction of X-ray film made the process more practical and convenient,X-ray film allowed for easier storage, transportation, and development of X-ray images.

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

Advancements in X-ray technology: Over the years, X-ray technology continued to advance. In the 20th century, the development of image intensifiers, digital X-ray detectors, and computed tomography (CT) scanners further improved the quality and capabilities of X-ray imaging.

Today, X-ray technology continues to evolve, with advancements in digital imaging, 3D reconstruction techniques, and radiation dose reduction strategies. X-rays remain an essential tool in medical diagnostics, as well as in various other fields like security screening, industrial testing, and materials science.